Separate names with a comma.
Been more than a few posts about loss of mileage with the wheel covers removed. I'd think that is more important to most owners than how 'cool'...
Glad you are all APPEARING to be OK! With a baby involved, I would think there would be a little more concern from the insurance, but, of course,...
Ditto Eaglesight333's experience. For the past 800+ miles, I've avg'd 54mpg, this week - cool (40-50) and rainy and I've dropped almost 3 mpg avg....
Anything Stevie Ray Vaughn or Bonnie Raitt or The Byrds, CSNY, Buddy Guy, Ronnie Baker Brooks, Susan Tedeschi singing "Friar's Point", Iris Dement...
Right now, I'd be real happy with solar panels that were efficient and affordable to use on my other "hybrid", a solar recharged recumbent trike....
An orange H-PVelotechnik Scorpion recumbent trike. If it hadn't fit, I wouldn't have bought the car, but it did, and I'm a happy rider. Beats...
Argonne National Labs had their open house last Saturday (8/29), and featured Li Ion batteries in several locations - at their "Transportation...
I am hereby suggesting that Toyota offer as an option an electric horn that plays "La Cuceracha" outside the vehicle when selecting reverse, or...
Prius is now. Works . . . well. Volt is maybe. Works . . .maybe? UP TO 230 MPG is not a guarantee you, or anyone not working for GM (Government...
To quote a famous American, "YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS!" Tinted windows? Buy something useful, like a bigger watch.
Re: Official 2010 Prius Owners Pics - Dueling Hybrids Not one, but two hybrids, one black, one red and black! Yes, the recumbent trike IS a...
Most auto parts stores sell door edge molding packs, and I've seen black, silver and gold, large and small size.
Since retiring and no longer having to drive to work, gas prices haven't bothered me all that much, as I use one of my recumbent trikes for most...
Got it today! Oh - Yoko! How John Lennonish. For now, they will have to do, they are round and black. Totally stock II in Black/Dk.Grey....
Retired Chicago Public School sp. ed. teacher, retired martial arts instructor, retired car hiker in a major auto auction (never saw a Prius up at...