Separate names with a comma.
I've read that the Prius 12v battery is only used to boot up the computers. Does it do anything else? What runs the lights, AC, accessories, etc....
I have a two questions on the A/C in my new 2012 Prius. 1) Recirculated vs Outside Air. My question is, why would you ever set this to...
I posted in the main forum, but thought this might be a better place. Does anyone have any clue what this option does??? Thanks!
Okay, I figured it out on my own. :) Gas Price - Used to calculate your gas savings. I just put in the average cost per gallon of regular...
Does anyone know how to find an installer in the DC area?
I've seen lots of threads to allow use of the navigation inputs while moving, however I have a 2012 Prius-2 and therefore no navigation. I just...
The 2012 manual does a horrible job of explaining exactly what some of the various Display Options mean. Can anyone give me a hand? I'm talking...
Does anyone have any idea what this menu option does? What does On mean? What does Off mean? Thanks!
I just replaced my amazing 2005 with an awesomely outrageous 2012 Package 2. What are some things that I should know?
2012 II Black $24,316.50 Out the Door w/ mats at Ourisman Fairfax Chantilly. Used Costco Auto Program. 2.49% APR. Got $8,000 on trade-in for my...
My 2005 Prius has 110k on her. I need a new compressor and AC dryer/receiver. The dealership quoted me just under $1,900 installed. I can get...
So I installed a CPTOY10AUX35 into my 2005 Prius to add an AUX port. The install was a piece of cake, and it works great. My only complaint is...
Does anyone know of a shop somewhere in the Washington, DC area that can help with an EV switch installation? I'm using the factory EV switch...
This is the part I'm having trouble with. How exactly do you remove it? Thanks!
So every once in a while, my A/C starts to sound like it's struggling. The force of the air gets stronger and weaker, and it starts to make a...
So my wife got a new job (yay). That means we need a second car. We love our 2005 Prius, and we're almost done paying it off. What sort of lease...
So I got my factory EV switch from, and I was going through the installation. Everything was moving along a lot easier than I...
I posted this in the mod section, but haven't gotten a response, sooooo... So I read the Factory EV Button Install, but there's one thing it...
So I read the Factory EV Button Install, but there's one thing it doesn't make clear - I'm hoping someone can help. On the factory EV button...