Separate names with a comma.
..recently went in for 15k svc and was told no oil change was required. looked in the maintenance manual and sure enough it states no oil change...
I'm almost always in Eco-mode and rarely use Power-mode. Wondering if anyone regularly drives in Normal-mode, and if so, why?
...noticed on several occasions when i slow down over a bump or pothole, the car will suddenly accelerate and jerk foward causing me to press down...
..recently rented a 2009 Prius w/18k miles and it seems a lot quieter than my 2010 w/4k miles when the ICE is engaged. Not only does the...
anyone else notice that the farthest top setting and farthest bottom setting for the rear window wiper are the same? what do you think the...
Hit a curb and my hubcap popped off. Looks like a couple of the brackets got damaged and now it wont snap back on properly..
Has anyone tried doing this on a more frequent basis than the service checkups? If so, what kind of filter did you use?
..and comfort? anyone find a sweet spot that works better that Toyota's recommended pressure?
Did you learn anything new that you wouldn't have figured out for yourself?
Anyone actually use this switch to turn the Solar fan On/Off?
Anyone notice a squeaking sound coming from somewhere in the tires when driving the car for the first time of the day?
The Dealer sent it out to a leather shop they frequently work with.
I debated whether to make the headrests the lighter gray but the installer told me that they typically do the darker color around the...
Thanks! I paid just under 2k which included lumbar(drivers side only) and heated seats(drivers + passnger). Without the latter two it would have...
So i hit a neighbors excessively high driveway curb trying to make room for another car coming in the opposite direction and this is the result:...
I dont recall if he used rivets or screws for the leather inserts but here are some pics which include the seats as well: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
You should try to get lumbar support installed or else pick up one of the lumbar foam cushions. Heated seats wouldnt hurt either as the heat can...
That looks really convenient but doesnt the risk damage/warping your wheels or cranks with the constant bumps in the road?
I had the leather installer take a look at the squeaking and basically he removed a screw from the interior latch and within the recessed portion...
heh..that sounds almost Medieval ;-)