Separate names with a comma.
There are many EVSE's that will work with the PIP I have 3 myself and only one of them is the OEM unit that came with the car. I am not sure why...
Why would you bother to do that when there is one built into the car specifically for that purpose.
I have had my PIP for 9 months now and I am getting 14.9 miles per charge right now and that has been the max ever for me. In the winter in Ohio...
The PIP will charge fully in 2hrs and 20minutes from empty on the included 120 volt EVSE that comes with the car.
I bought my pip last December and the ev range was 12.8 miles. During the winter the range went down to 10.8, then in the spring it started...
220 volt charging with my clipper creek EVSE is at 20 amps and that is 4.8kwh so I charge my i3 in about 5 hours from empty. So it saves me 14 hrs...
Yes my total cost actually varies do to add on charges that are not proportional, but essentially my Total electric cost is about 12.5 cents per kwh.
Using 110 volt charging is not a valid assumption if you own a BMW i3. Using 220 volt changes the cost to $556/yr. I can't imagine anyone buying a...
I would ceartinally hope so the MP3's arre higher quality then the crap XM puts out.
No loss as far as I am concerned, too much talk for pay radio.
[IMG] Here is a quote that defines the MPGe discussion as used by the EPA: MPGe works well as a shorthand, but it doesn't tell the whole story....
Actually the hybrid mileage is greater in several situations where the extra battery capacity will capture energy that is lost in the standard...
Well you are full of It!!!!I know different, my PIP gets 56 mpg no matter what you say it is or isn't what ever it is!!!@!@
Why would I bother!!!
Well that's for people who use the Rex regularly, with 80 miles Ev range wont be using the gas very much unlike the PIP with only 12 to 14 miles...
How much do you think that would weigh let alone the mess from lead acid batteries!!
I hate to wake you up , but plug in hybrid is a electric label in it's own right!
No they would not, what a mess you really mean that? I surely hope you are joking!!!
Actually it is ,,,, wait for it, The BMW i3! Oh and I forgot you will still need your Prius for long vacation trips.