Separate names with a comma.
Thanks, David. Since having my head knocked off while removing the seat never occurred to me, I am going to disqualify myself from further work. I...
For practical reasons, I removed my passenger seat this morning. So roomy! Removing the passenger seat, the connections to the seat sensors for...
Thanks, David, for the fairly comprehensive summary. I was there too and saw nothing to make me trade in my 2010 II. FYI, though, garage parking...
Yeah, and that "OFF" switch is the dumbest thing. A switch should be binary: on / off. THe off switch is *unary,* --does only one thing--...
I'm 6'3". the seat's pumped as low as it will go. There are times when the ENTIRE car approaching from the right is hidden by the mirror. I'd...
Any rattles I've chased down turned out to be something in the glove box, cup holder, rear storage etc. The hubcaps (ooops, sorry: wheel covers)...
You did check Toyota's website, of course, before seeing a salesman? Build Your Toyota I only ask since you didn't mention it. You're getting...
Don't care.
Don't forget and an OT comment I cannot resist is the WSJ's enthusiasm and trust in the administration of GWB: good for the barons of Wall Street,...
duct tape adhesive exposed to heat, freeze, humidity would give you a disgusting, gooey mess.
Envision whirled peas.
In addition to the other problems, you could proof-read and correct your grammar. Anything that long requiring my own work correcting the English...
As I've pointed out in numerous venues, the DeLorean is notoriously inefficient requiring 1.21 gigawatts. The gen III Prius only needs 60...
Usually 70 or less (which is the general speed on expressways in Chicago) except at times evading getting caught in a clump of traffic. At that...
LKA is a real life-saver for me. See, I go out partying and drinking every night and one more DUI will put me in prison! So thanks, Toyota! Now I...
Mine is named "Hal." He always decides what's best.
A friend of mine who lives in the 'hood tells me those whisper-quiet Priuses are popular for drive-by shooting.;)
Not to make you paranoid even more, ;), but are you certain the tow company is contracted to service your lot? Tow driver sure wasn't looking hard...