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Or... Why It's Not a Massive International Government Conspiracy or... How to Not Look Like an Idiot in an Online AGW Debate Let's begin....
I am unaware of such mechanisms preventing greenhouse gas warming in the past which suggests to me that they have a very low probability of...
Driving the PDO cycle? You're all sorts of confused. Yes, because you're completely ignoring a tiny little factor called feedbacks, which will...
And? I've already cited the relevant information explaining why that cherry pick is completely irrelevant. Repetition doesn't change that....
The usual - money. Protecting interests. Most of the "skeptic" research is closely tied to the fossil fuel industry or various pro-industry...
The only one that can change the climate? Not hardly. We already know that bacteria did in the Oxygen Holocaust. The idea that humans, who...
I already pointed out that the literature clearly states there was warming. Here is a more exhaustive article on the topic: Here's more from the...
I never said you did. But it is the logical implication of your thesis. The rest of the scientific community (the "warmists" as you call them)...
If you're seriously trying to convince me that the entire scientific community is involved in a massive, worldwide conspiracy, involving multiple...
To hell with individual freedom! That'll show those hippies to love democracy! :D
Fuel economy. Saw my first Prius at an at an online get-together years ago... At a gathering for an enviro-friendly website/forum I belonged to...
There's also a writeup in NewScientist's Climate Myths section, aptly titled "Climate myths: The lower atmosphere is cooling, not warming"....
Ha! I liked the bit about the billboard equation. That's an interesting recruiting technique. :) Thanks for the vid. Hadn't seen it before.
I'm sure it's come up before. It's a common denier talking point. I'm too much of a n00b to post a URL, but there's a link on skepticalscience...