Separate names with a comma.
If you could walk away from the deal I would. Never sign anything until you can drive the car away. And If you stuck with buying the car I would...
Ticking sound. Car is 100 percent stock.
If you want one I highly doubt anybody but a Toyota one would really cover anything. Look and see if it covers the Prius transmission or the...
Ok another update got the car back. The right side/passenger side cv joint was replaced. The ticking noise I have heard every time I stop while...
Well I have posted in this topic a few times. I wanted to give a update my pass side outer cv joint failed this morning it took out the boot in...
If you work at a dealer you would be putting a couple hundred foot pounds. Maybe kick it with your foot. I think you just need to snug it up with...
I would think if they wanted to rip you off they would have offered to repair the car not wipe the oil off for free.
Yea the only part that will make a difference will be when you top off the oil, you should get car off ramps for this part.
I have put 10,000 miles on the car after I noticed the clicking when stopping and turning. It happens almost every time I am turning while...
Mine started doing this at from 11 to 1 oclock I bought a leather cover and installed it.
Maybe we should all write the owner of the dealer and explain were not stupid and don't want to be talked to that way. The will buy it back at a...
out of the three recalls I have had on my car I only got a letter for the brake booster one. The other two I learned about on here.
If your cap was loose he would be right. If it was not loose he is wrong and your light wont go off.
It seems weaker than other cars but not like your saying.
$2.929 Concord NC.
Most people who want to smoke pot did before the laws changed.
As long as it didn't run out of gas your good.
I got 47k out of my factory Bridgestone Ecopias.
4 years is being very safe. Mine failed at about 5 years, and I was left stranded n a parking lot when it happened. I wish we got more life out of...
Range and $$$$$. If Toyota offered a car that got a 200 mile range for the price of a prius I may have bought it.