Separate names with a comma.
I haven't confirmed this, but I believe that if you drive in "B" mode for a while (5 - 10 minutes) prior to reaching that hill then the traction...
Here's something else to consider -- was your friend perhaps wearing new shoes (or shoes he doesn't usually wear) while driving the Prius? I had...
No typos; as long as you have the heater system turned off, the engine shuts off at 103F. When I start my drive in the winter, I try to keep...
You might want to check your tire pressure; it sounds like the dealer may have added air to your tires while the car was in for service.
I'll try: 1. Yes - turning off the fan allows the engine to turn off if the water temperature is higher than 103F, regardless of the heater...
I had the same thing happen to me shortly after programming in the MG1/2 RPM X-Gauges on the ScanGauge II. Temperature was above 150F with lots...
So one is left to wonder what problem will be fixed. It seems to me like there are several potential issues: 1. Standard ABS issue where...
The only pre-2010 Prius I've ever driven in was that rental. I had no real problem with it turning on and off (although I would have preferred...
Good question. The price difference between regular and mid-range gas up here in Canada is somewhere between 8 and 10 cents per liter, so this...
I generally run Shell-87 due to its low cost and generally acceptable fuel economy. However, like others, I've noticed a 20 - 25% reduction of...
I'll risk being chastised and admit that I've just bumped my fuel grade from Shell-87 to Shell-89 a couple of days ago for the first time this...
I've turned off the reverse beep and I'm monitoring the battery current. There's nothing unusual going on with the car (other than that...
Not long, it seems.
Normal air will leak out of a tire at a rate of about 1/2 pound per week; nitrogen considerably less (but not sure how much less). I believe...
Hi Melissa - welcome to the Prius club! From a fuel economy perspective, you won't see a huge difference between the modes. I like ECO mode for...
Add me as another who would like to have his headlights turn off immediately instead of having to wait for 30-seconds. Seeing is believing and I...
Thank you, thank you! I am very pleased to finally get rid of that annoying backup beeping! My dealer refused to change it so I'm extremely...
Scangauge II users may be able to disable the reverse beep in their 2010 (although it might be advisable to wait a bit for some more confirmations...
72 - Spa is really appreciated when I need to just sit back and relax.
Open your hood and check the rod that's used to hold it open. If it's not clamped properly in place, apparently it can cause a rattle.