Separate names with a comma.
A couple weeks ago some jerk rear-ended my 2009 Prius and totaled it. At a bit over 65,000 miles, it had 48.06 mpg (based on total gallons...
For Roger3125: All the information you need is here.
Same experience here. On my 2009, it seems that the first pip represents 2.5 to 2.9 gallons, while subsequent pips (and I've never gone below 2...
When the first pip disappears is something I track (I'm so ashamed to admit I do this). It's varied between 109 miles (on a 44.4 mgp tank) to 144...
Hyper-miling refers to fairly anal-retentive driving techniques used to optimize the car's efficiency and squeeze every last possible mpg out of...
1. I have a 5-mile commute, which should yield the worst gas mileage, and I still get 48 mpg (for the past 2000 miles). 2. Nope. I'm pretty...
What do you call it if you have more than one of them? A Wegman's parking lot. (Thanks, I'm here all week. Try the veal.)
There is actually a purpose (albeit a minor one) served by having a mix of left- and right-sided fillup ports. One of the gas stations I...
Don't forget that you can take the sales tax on a car purchase as a deduction this year, so you've got that going for you...
That's sad! Condolences on your loss.
Did the deer say, "Hey as long as you're on the way to the vet, do you think I could bum a ride?"
I once bought some cologne that failed to disclose that I would attain significantly fewer women in real world conditions than was suggested by...
My wife saw one of these on the road the other day on a SMART Car. They're apparently available here: It would be very, very wrong...
Slightly bigger...
I recently bought an '09, package 4. My question: on the audio display on the MFD, at the bottom, just below and to the right of the ASL icon,...
Hmmmm, what if it were like a political ad.... [Fade in on full-color PRIUS promotional photo] [VOICE OVER] Toyota would have you believe that...
Doc Willie, and 2009Prius: Thanks! That was a big help. I might have to build my own freight bed for hauling the occasional load of bricks back...
I just picked up my black, '09, package #4 yesterday, replacing a 1992 Ford Taurus (104k miles). I love my Prius! Absolutely fantastic car. One...