Separate names with a comma.
My highest projected milage in EV mode after a charge was just 35.4. My actual milage was 34.3. Temps have been in the 60s, speeds from 30-55....
I just filed my 2016 Federal taxes after having purchased a Prime in late December and no, I did not have to the file the ATM form 6251. Only...
Your withholding really has nothing to do with the amount of the credit you can take advantage of. As long as your tax liability (line 47) is...
If you are in full map mode on your display, tap the lower right where you are displaying your FM station info (or AM or Sat). Then choose the...
Thanks everyone. The issue with the blue lights not being lit - perhaps there was some "prep" going on with the battery but it couldn't have been...
Hello, I have the Prime Premium and have been charging mostly every day. I do not have a time set for charging - Charge is upon plug-in. Today I...
Wow, that's great - good luck and enjoy! The White would have been my first choice but I took the silver w/black Premium that my dealer had in...
I have the 11.6" on the Premium and I wouldn't go back to a smaller screen. Although if I had gotten the smaller screen I'm sure I'd be happy....
While charging my car I turned my car on to try and set a few things on my dash. I started like I do normally but the steering wheel is disabled...
I got my Prime Premium on 12/19 - I live in Pa and the temps were low 20s-30s at the time. My projection and range in EV was in the low 20s...
Yes, it is 24 feet.
Well ABOVE the demographic! :eek:
That sounds right - it's basically what I said two posts above this. :-)
It seems you are attributing an anticipated 300kWh increase in January solely to 15 charges of your Prime? Is this valid? In September you were...
You might also want to check with your power company. I applied for a $50 rebate from our Electric Company here in PA. I didn't even know they...
Again it's your liability that matters. Say you've paid in $3000 throughout the year, and you owe an ADDITIONAL tax of $1500 when filing, your...
You must have a tax LIABILITY of at least $4500 for the year to get the full tax credit, whether that's owed at tax time or you've been paying in...
This place is a wealth of info and that's why I come here, and to share. My intent is to give accurate info - a few times I'm been mistaken, then...
The cost increase seems rather high - you imply that you didn't charge more than once a day, and sometimes not every day? If that's the case I...
I know! I had read a bit about the Primes but had never seen one and wasn't really in the market for one, at least not yet. When we went by...