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Others have had this problem. There is a piece of plastic that acts as a dust cover near the front of the shifter (keeps dust from getting in...
Just use the hatch opening handle on the hatch. The latch will go to the open position.
Sounds like the bladder in your tank just popped up to full volume. It happens to me in hot weather and I can go over 100 miles before the first...
Check your oil dipstick as soon as possible. You may be very low on oil. That will make the red triangle flash as you described.
Try changing the fob battery and (if that doesn't help) check the position of the sks switch.
Try sticking the fob in the dash and then see if the car will start.
Replace the 12 volt battery and all will be well. Make sure the new battery is fully charged before installing.
I, for one, am really looking forward to the DIY.
Check your oil level right now. A low oil level will make the red triangle flash.
I hear it on mine too. It has been making that noise since I got the car new! All I know is it makes that noise when the compressor is starting....
I'm glad to see Hobbit there! It's good to know he's alive and well. Too bad he's not posting here any more. I learned so much from him.
Sorry, I can't help you with the headlights but here's a link for fixing the trunk lid: Repair of tonneau cover a.k.a. hatch cover | PriusChat
The nozzles are like a ball in socket. You can aim them by sticking a pin in the hole in the nozzle and move the ball in what ever direction you...
Go to 1:20 in this video: [MEDIA] to see where to press. Sorry for the shakes.
I did it. Fold down the back seats and the front of the mattress will be resting on the back of the front seat. Close the hatch. You'll be...
Check your oil level. I think you'll find it's very low.
Instructions for replacing serpentine belt: Belt change how-to with photos | PriusChat
When checking the coolant level, did you check the radiator itself? ...or did you just look in the overflow tank. In order to check the...
Bad clutch on air conditioner compressor. Alternator is fine.