Separate names with a comma.
hi sorry, I didnt receive notification I still have 3 pcb let me know if interrested
Another BMS2+ ready to be programmed
yes sure I have 4 pcb, up to now one member is interested I will send you a PM thanks
hello NortTexSalv04Prius, hybrid assistant is a very simple way to display Prius canbus info. a good odb2 dongle and a simple smartphone are only...
both bms2 8051F are programmed. thanks to lopezjm2001 for provide complete how to info. my cheap programmer came without soft and doesn't work...
hello NortTexSalv04Prius I'm still waiting for programmer from china to test the board when do you need these 2 board ? you can send me your...
hello the bms2 clone is mounted, I'm waiting for jtag programmer to test it. if anyone is interested I have 4 pcb available or I can make a...
hello everybody is away ? i'm maybe 10year too late Is anybody can point me out a good charger name to looking for ?
hello I'm looking for component to convert my prius to PHEV plugin. second hand materiel is perfect. - charger 240VAC to 240VDC range 1-5kw -...
it's almost ready. ground plane must be added some strange overlap error with smd. manual routing doesn't work with smd pad. I need to find...
hello I'm currently making new pcb design in eagle. it will be ready soon I hope. if anyone is interested, it will be nice to check it before...
hello whereswally606 I 'm interrested buy 1 or 2 board