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I have a 2014 Prius 3, my bluetooth stopped working the dealership was going to charge me $45 for the radio software update ( which I found out...
Good idea hadn't thought of that one, I'll start making calls next week.
2014 Prius 3, Bluetooth stopped pairing 2 weeks ago, I tried turning off bluetooth in car and cleared all pairings on phone, tried again no...
Update. I complain every time I bring my 2014 #3 in for service about the radio reception. On the last service this is what they wrote up. " upon...
I always thought about getting one of those trailers for the 2008, got a receiver hitch on it for the bicycle carrier. I need to get a receiver...
took my 2008 into the dealer a few years ago and they set all the tires to 32 psi including the spare. told them not to touch my tires again. I...
We just did a drive from Mass. to Florida and back 3,050 miles, averaged 51.3 mpg. We stayed with traffic at 75 - 80 mph. What I noticed was that...
Try flipping down your sun visors closer to the window, that will capture more heat to stay at the top of your windshield
mpg/tank average overall incar- what each tank shows in car MPG/Tank 52.644 52.644 54.498 53.571 55.142 54.095 55.546 54.457 58.2 in...
Will this mod work for the HD radio? I didn't sign up for sirius because of the loss of signal, and the HD radio drops out around the same place...
I check mine every 2 weeks, just to make sure they are correct or when I get back from the dealer and they put them below the factory spec
I will check the mfg date to make sure, thanks
Thank you for the quick reply Going to dealer now. I have an 08 now, son is getting the 08. I'll get the new one
I am looking at a 2013 and 2014 same options, does anyone have opinions one which model would be better? Is there that much of a difference in the...
After taking fan out of A/C duct system, and cleaning out remnants of a mother and 6 little mice, then replacing cabin air filter. I don't want to...
I just got back from my 30k service, they reset my tires to 32 and reset the low limit sensor, this was stated on the work order as a line item....
Is this raffle still going on? You started selling tickets 8 months before the drawing, did I read that correct? or am I missing something
I bought the Toyota Prius Sun Visor Hood for MFD Screen from Prius Chat, then used Velcro to attach the Radar Detector to the top of it
I took a piece of pvc pipe put a "T" fitting on the top with some foam on it and I use that to support my right leg, worked for a 10 hour trip
It has the same problem with FireFox 3.06 Advanced worked