Separate names with a comma.
This happened to me after having the steering rack replaced. Sorry I don't have any resolution, though I've learned to turn right slowly... For...
Thanks, tochatihu. As you can see, I haven't given up on this yet. After reading a re-reading several posts, I think I'll ask the dealer again (or...
I'll be interested to hear what tochatihu has to say about this. In my case, I'm still struggling with the shuddering that now occurs when turning...
I never heard anything about any steering rack warranty; in fact, the shaking problem I've experienced occurred AFTER replacing the rack & pinion....
I have a previous post about this, but briefly, my 2002 started shuddering AFTER I had the steering rack and pinion replaced. Of course, after...
I'd like to know how you got the dealer to spring for the $4,598.63! I was dismayed to have to pay $1,681.12 (after discount coupon) to replace...
Thanks. It seemed to run a little smoother today after two 22-mile commutes to and from work. I'll hope it continues to improve. Lesson learned. I...
Well, here's the rest of the story, which I guess I now consider a cautionary tale... I should have taken your advice and not had anything done....
Thanks for the advice. Regarding your previous response, since this is probably the beginning of many more problems, would it make sense for me to...
So, both of you think I should wait until I experience steering problems before replacing the steering gear? Do you think I'll have enough warning...
This is the second big repair (or third, depending on how you count them) in less than a year, so I'm having some major worries about the...