Separate names with a comma.
The sales person that sold you that car knew he was not coming back the next day. Also, he sold you a car that had not been through our service...
No problem, we sell the units at MSRP, we will negotiate depending on availability of course. We have come to realize our marketing is a bit...
Could you be more specific? I am sure at your work place someone might have said or done something you do not approve of, even just in public....
No matter the circumstance, if I were to show you the palm of my hand and have you study it for 10 minutes, if I take my hand away you could...
Thank you kind sir, I applaud your demeanor! All the best, BOB BENSON p.s. if you ever need anything you contact me, communication is a wonderful...
I'm the General Manager at West Ashley Toyota. First, I apologize for the experience that you had that time even though I wasn't here at the time....