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Hi! Someone mentioned that you were the downhill expert. Is there any place to figure out what the maximum coasting speed for a Prius (2006) would...
I'm on bulbs 5 and 6 also, four having failed so far over about 76,000 miles. Here's a funny trick you can do for the mechanic at the dealer:...
I'm embarrassed to admit that it was a full year before I discovered the secret compartment in the trunk! Imagine my surprise! But those are...
It's the "personal" part of personal junk that I'm concerned with. I know-- don't leave it in the car if you don't want to risk it, but ever since...
How hard is it to steal a Prius? On that point, how many Priuses (what -is- the plural of "Prius"?) get stolen each year-- what's their ranking...
...Or it could have just been my "Fonzie" moment: Aaaaayy! But it was funny how a sharp tap would often work. Considering the complexity of the...
Windstrings: My HID bulbs started going out at about the 20K mile may have gone out around the 14K mark, but I'd have to check to be...
Shawn: yeah, I was pretty shocked, too. The mechanic was great-- the charging policies of this dealership were not-so-great. The local Prius...
Boo: Oh, this was in addition to the hills: I lose about 4mpg going fast up the hill (Newhall Pass between Los Angeles and Valencia) and fast...
The problem! [IMG] While I was drive north on I-5 in the middle of Nowhere, California (about 60 miles west of Bakersfield), I got the "Christmas...
I recently put this plate in (thanks, Don!) and I can't say enough good things about it! Car (2006) is more stable in turns (no hiccup in...
My sympathies to all Cubbies. I blame Boston: they -gave- the Dodgers Manny (even covered his salary!). It would be the ultimate in karmic irony...
Perfect thread! I need to make five posts before I can make a post with links (photos). I have one of those Prius' that have the HID problem; I...
My fuel mileage is awful: most of my driving per day is a mountain pass. Up from the valley to the top of the pass, then down again. I don't...
I chose white for purely practical reasons: I live in hell. Los Angeles is long on heat and short on shade. I often have dogs in the car and...
For what it's worth: I have a package 8 Prius (2006) and have had the front headlight units (HID) replaced -FIVE- times (three times for the...