Separate names with a comma.
The responses have proven that Prius owners love their cars... also that several folks hate my old Tercel ;-). Some border on fanatical. Those...
I'll start off by stating I don't own a hybrid. I've recently started looking for a new car. We own an old Toyota Tercel that gets 30MPG. We...
Looking at the links, the new RAV4 V-6 will get the same mileage as the Highlander hybrid and will suck the doors off it. The new RAV4 V-6 costs...
I'm waiting to see the new Camry hybrid. I have always thought the Prius is somewhat strange looking. The new hybrid Camry will probably get a...
New color... Bird Crap Mist :)
Another factor to consider... lay off the brakes. I own a 2001 Dodge Dakota pickup with a 4.7 litre V-8 with automatic transmission (stead...
Military aircraft tires have been serviced with N2 for many years. Most tires used on aircraft landing on carriers carry very high pressure. In...
A former Californain, I remeber a couple who bought an expensive motor home in Oregon to save the sales tax. A neighbor turned them in. It cost...
I'm 64 years old. We own a '94 Toyoya Tercel with about 95K miles on it. The Tercel gets about 30MPG. The other vehicle is a 2001 Dakota we need...
Diesel costs more than gas here Where we live (Pacific Northwest), diesel costs about a dime a gallon more than regular gas. It's all a question...
These prices make the Prius an even more stupid purchase than it was before. It'll take five million miles in gas savings to pay back the...
I have a HomeLink remote system on my Dakota pickup that is designed to open up to three different garage doors. The third one hasn't been...
Don't forget the sales tax... California will collect the sales tax when you register the car. In the old days, you could buy a car in Oregon...
Here on Whidbey Island (80 miles north of Seattle) I know of a couple of older models and was surprised to see a black 2004 one. During the...
Alas... car thieves are ingenious. Locking a car properly will discourage joy riders. I suspect the Prius isn't a big target for those people....
I can't get automatic logon to work on this site. I check the "remember me" box, but next time I enter, I have to type my user name and password....
Strapping a roof rack on a Prius with a drag coefficient of 0.26 will make the car as "draggy" as my pickup truck. Another issue is weight. The...