Separate names with a comma.
Quite disappointing as my 2008 had 2 gloveboxes and a sliding drawer under the console. The glovebox barely fits all the manuals.
OK. Thanks. At least I know how to do it if the car suddenly accelerates.
Is it ok to shift into neutral when the car is moving? nice and respectful. Some of you have anger issues.
Join the club. I went from 47-48 in August/September to 35-39 in December, but I have a daily 10-minute city commute, so my mpg is usually down.
Can a Prius be "warmed" up as my mileage is dipping below 40mpg as the weather in No. NJ is getting cold?
I am 6 feet tall and have no problem in the Prius. Have you tried using a lumbar support?
Thanks to all, incl. Professor Catgic of the Prius Institute for Fuel Economy.
In order to get maximum mpg, what is best method to accelerate from dead stop? ...from 0 to 25? ...from 0 to 60?
Qlara....thanks....I think.
Thanks to all.
How do you reset new pressure?
My tire "guy" said he cannot pump my tires to 42/40 as the pressure sensors will go off and light up on the dashboard? True? If so, what do I do?
Great. Thought so, but hoped for an Easter egg.
Is it possible to set my 2008 for the doors to automatically lock AFTER the car begins to move forward? The same feature is present in my MDX.
Most reviewers prefer the Garmin Nuvi and did not like Tom-tom. I bought a Garmin Nuvi 300 series online for mid-$200s. It is great, much better...
I was forced to buy the lousy Toyota nav system as I wanted [p]leather seats.
Buy a Garmin Nuvi 300 series for $250 on sale online and be glad you are not stuck w/ Toyota's lousy, counterintuitive nav system.
I am used to DSL speeds. This site is always seems to be on dial-up speed. Maybe the old-timers have gotten used to it?
OK. ;). But it is always slow.