Separate names with a comma.
To Mr.Incredible: i give up. you are hopeless beyond reason. whatever you said is so meaningless that it's not worth my time responding anymore....
That the gas pedal functions is not the point, (listen closely) it's that "it produces slightly above adequate forward motion upon its use."...
"All those things I mentioned about the Prius ARE, infact, the things that you look for in a new car. Duh. That's the idea." "The gas pedal works...
"But don't think you're being singled out for ridicule from the non-believers, since the phenomenon develops amongst Subaru owners, Volvo owners,...
"Sheesh. You aren't getting it, are you?" now who's being smug hmm? "It hasn't got any rattles. Everything seems to be there. New, it smells...
my sentiment exactly.
dude, you read my mind. and while you're still here, how about that bet about gas prices ages ago? pay up man.
I was watching the Beijing Olympics on NBC, and just minutes ago, I saw a commercial of the Volt for the first time. Talk about false...
No, it isn't when the Honda people had a commercial making fun of the Prius' "cheese-looking" shape.
I need it because of the summer heat. I also think the car looks cool with tinted windows :D
Thanks for all your advice! I'll try calling all those places for a price quote.
Hi everyone, I live in Davis (CA) and I'm hoping to get my windows tinted (the ones in the back). Do you have any recommendations on where I...