Separate names with a comma.
One additional comment: If two of the fuel injectors are bad (and I really can't see how two would fail simultaneously), and they are replaced,...
I am currently having this same exact problem with my 05, with 183,500 miles on it. I took it to the dealer - it is undrivable as it is, with...
This weekend on an Adirondack hiking trip with 2 friends I had a mental breakthrough - I let them drive my 2005 172,000 mile Prius for most of the...
I had my 12 V battery replaced today - it wasn't obviously bad, but with 6 years and 170,000 on the odometer, I figured I was on borrowed time....
I have a 2005 Driftwood Pearl Prius with about 160,000 miles on it. The only things I've had to repair on mine were 2 bad wheel bearings. I...
Without a doubt you have 1 or more bad wheel bearings. I recently had the same problem. I had a difficult time diagnosing my problem because...
I've found that on average my MFD mileage is about 2-3 mpg better than my calculated mileage. I've recorded every refueling I've done since March...
One of the savings I expect to see with this car is little or no brake work needed because of the regenerative braking. After just spending $538...
I just finished reading a great book - "Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy". If you ever wanted to learn...
I'm beginning to become optimistic that my next automobile might actually be all electric. I'll probably replace my 2005 Prius in 2015 when it...
The war against Prius "smugmobiles" Today's Wall Street Journal features business opinion columnist Holman Jenkins Jr. on the warpath against the...
I'd trade it in for a GM EV-1 or a Toyota RAV-EV. I have NO interest in any other car (other than a Prius) by any other manufacturer.
I expect that Toyota will use the Prius as the platform for their 'plug-in Hybrid' that I think they will roll out in two or three years. That,...
In our all electric house (natural gas not available), I've reduced our electric bill from about $240/month to about $150/month by: a: installing...
My worst vehicle is a '99 Ford Explorer I still own. It's on it's third transmission, there's a problem with the ABS, and the brakes seem to need...
I got my first 600 mile tank today. I have a ways to go to get 700 or more. I stop filling the tank the when the nozzle clicks off the first...
It boggles my mind that my fellow American's give this president any credibility. General Zinni stated that "this is a war that the civilians...
The only vehicle I'd rather have is an EV-1 or RAV-EV. Unfortunately, both GM and Toyota killed their EV programs.
There are now 4 2004/2005 Prii in my parking lot at work here at Kodak in Rochester. There are 2 Driftwood Pearl and 2 Silver. This is one of...
More Cheney quotes: "No country ever conserved it's way to greatness" (implying, I guess, that you can consume your way to greatness) "If you...