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Hello! my Prius last friday and until today (sunfday evening) I drive 300km. My first Imprssions are: -easy to drive (tight turn radius,...
Very sorry for you.... can not imagine as a german, here buy a gun is nearly impossible... Andreas
I suppose only as a rule of thump you schould not move much above 100C, thats the temp most CPUs and GPUs can handle... I know it can not...
The Prius main purpose is: 1. save the enviroment... 2. save fuel... ...the BMW M3 purpose is...: 1. Transfer fuel in g-forces and burning...
maybe is not the whole battery who is become "bad" ...maybe is only a few single cells in one "cell-group" thats close to failure... Im not sure...
Why is so much in USA? My Prius is loan for 0,5% here in Germany (but actually here it cost 26.000 EUR) Andreas
Every Diesel...even with the best particles-filter, blow out micro-particles that bring a nice chance of cancer to your child! Yes, diesel...
mattpop.... A lead-acid battery compare to a NimH-Battery??? If a NIMH-Battery of a RC-car fails (Shortcut) will become warm, and...
Sorry for a little OT, but guys, you lived in the promised Land! :) Here in germany the Prius executive is 45.600 US$ ...and one galeon regular...
...they still have to much problems with failing cells of the LiO-Pack.... Wonder how long is the guarantee there... Andreas
the most cool feature is the humidity Sensor.... when you drive long distances in recirc the air can become very dry, below the comfort of most...
dont take the following too personal, I just look at a different angel on your problem.... You do a office job? Do you make regulary sport? Your...
...if it would be my doughter I will fill out the NASA-Form for the first manned Mission to Mars with her Name... Plenty of time to think about...
Ahhh... "order a car" is not sign an contract that you definately have to take it? Here in germany you also have to wait for your...
In US you can cancel your Order? What is this? The day you sign the order contract her in germany you have to take the car and pay it the day it...
Believe me guys... The Party on Autobahn is over... I drive every morning to work 50km "Not-restricted" Autobahn with 110km/h = 68,35 mph... at... germany the intervall of oil change for a Prius is (set by Toyota) 15.000km = 9321 miles... thats 3x more... but we use oil with higher...
dont be to sad about your price guys! I hope I receive my Prius "SOL" in 2 Weeks here in germany. the official Price is 26.485,30 EUR... thats...