Separate names with a comma.
Adding a noisemaker has less to do with protecting the blind as it does with protecting people who are texting while walking, or people who are...
I would not go that route. 3rd party warranties, for the most part, are a rip-off. They just won't cover stuff that absolutely needs to be...
I don't see a picture on post 15 either...
It did not happen today. I am inclined to agree with the above poster that it may be occurring in the volume control on the radio and not on the...
Fixing it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I slid a piece of paper behind the molding where it wasn't sticking, to protect the paint from...
If you can pull it off, you will definitely be one heck of an engineer.
Thanks for the replies. I ruled out my hand hitting the steering wheel controls because I actually came to a stop and watched to see if it...
I came out of a grocery store, got into my 08' Prius, started to drive through the parking lot, and suddenly the radio started changing the volume...
I have an M520 and it works like a champ with the Prius. I also love the phone, the slide open feature is great. I got the Body Glove protective...
I did the exact same thing today. The instructions should have a warning. How hard is it to add "Don't forget to peel the small, individual tape...
My 2008 Prius package 5 with after market leather is replacing a 2002 Jaguar X-Type. I'm keeping my 2005 Nissan Pathfinder, for towing trailers...
When I get down to three bars, I start looking for a gas station. It is not worth risking a dead car, or the minor inconvenience of having to...
The nice thing about filling up to a full tank of gas and then refilling at half a tank is, you don't get the price shock like every other guy at...
Yeah, I'm happy to have the Prius. I didn't pay for something I didn't get, so all is well.
Changed the profile... Well, I just washed the car and now it looks like rain!
BTW- I did check the suspension, that is how I know I don't have the touring edition. And I don't have the large rear spoiler. I don't have a...
Wow, what a shocker. I do not have the touring edition, and I guess I didn't pay for it. I did ask for the touring edition, but I guess I wasn't...
The shocks are light blue and red, and I am pissed. I can't find the window sticker, I'm sure it said touring edition. Time to do battle....
I hope they weren't trying to pull a fast one, but who knows. I know I have the touring edition because I have the HID headlamps and the fog...
Well then the invoice for my Prius is mistaken, along with my mistakenly paying for it!