Separate names with a comma.
Is the old saying true? Big truck, small penis.
I am considering the purchase of an after market GPS for my 2008 Prius. I read some complaints on some GPS sites that on the 2008 Camry and 2008...
I bought mine simply to save money at the pump.
You are correct -- it was faulty installation -- now corrected!
I purchased a set of mud flaps at a Toyota dealer a couple of weeks ago. They were made in Canada and came with complete instructions and...
ALL the problems on planet earth can be fixed by stopping having babies! Everybody knows it, nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody has a RIGHT to...
I just got the new insurance statistics about my new Prius in the mail today. I have a 2008 1224 pkg 2. The insurance says I have a 2008...
I've heard reports by credible scientists,PHDs, (on Glenn Beck) that stated that the co2 levels in the atmosphere don't jive with temperature...
I'm not a Bush fan or a McCain fan, however I'd rather have the devil himself as president than a proven America and caucasion hater.
Thanks Jim!
I am a conservative thinker. I didn't buy a Prius to save the planet, I bought it to stop supporting the people that want to kill us. Contrary to...
I'm with you, Brad! There is no way I would buy any GM, Ford, or Chrysler product. These vehicles are garbage! My 30+ years as a Consumer Reports...
I've been wondering if I can turn my vehicle on if the battery in the key fob is dead? I fear that one day it could happen! 2008 Magnetic Grey...
DITTO --I HATE kids!