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Hey Boston 71. What type of tires did you end up with. Im in NH/MA. Work in Woburn. I am going to upgrade this fall.
I agree with Subarutoo. The rear view camera is just to let you know whats directly behind you.
I have both Sirius and XM lifetime subscriptions for portable units. All of the radio only channels are identical.
I don’t have a in dash receiver but I do know that channel updates are automatically downloaded from the satellite. I have two Sirius and one XM...
I saw a network newscast of a guy here in New England during the Ice Storm using a 1000 Watt inverter connected to his Prius battery. He left the...
The FCC regs regarding RF emissions for the suto industry is CISPR 25. The limits are pretty relaxed. The only frequencies that they set limits...
I drive, on a daily basis, 60 miles from NH to MASS> I start at 1260 feet ASL down to 200 feet elevation. I go back up at the end of the day....
All the RF you are receining is being picked up by the CB antenna. There is nothing you can do to the antenna to reduce the emissions. The bars...
Mine did the same thing. It was under warranty.
Before I got my 08 I could'nt understand why everyone was gettinhg 100k between brake pad replacement. Now I know why. You coast most of the...
Worst case on the 80 meter long wire antenna. My 94 LeSaber had 80 through 1296. Yaesu Ft100 with ATAS 100 Uniden HR2600 on 10 Two kenwoods...
Ive got about 2 bars of noise on my 520 CB radio. It is RF noise from the Prius. Yes, you will make contacts with this kind of noise but dont...
Well its getting frosty here in NH. I suspect that ill run the orig tires for a bit. If I get that sick feeling that im not in control Ill switch...
Ive only got 20K on the orig tires. Living here in NH worries me a bit. Debating as to go with the WRG2 this year or next.
What is the milage rating. 50K, 60K??
All you have to do is when the bars get to two its time to think about filling up with 7 or so gallons of gas.
I also live near Boston. Ive found that the tank fiull ups will vary. I can get 400 Miles on one fillup before the last bar. Other times all I get...
I did get the 520. My first abt was a window antenna. It sucked. I then bought a mag mount antenna. Much better. I do have a couple of bars of...
I remember way back in the stone age in science class. We had to figure how many calories was used to melt ice at 32 degrees.
I had a outboard temp gauge once that beeped when the temp got to 39 degrees. Probably because some roads and bridges will freeze when the...