Separate names with a comma.
Heck no, only 41k miles. It wasn't driven for a year and a half, plus I have a short commute.
They gave a price for a heat shield, not for a fod plate. XT1080 ?
"fod" = "Foreign Object Damage"? The term is new to me, and that's about all I could pry out of Google. Ballpark cost to replace?
It felt like hard plastic. [ATTACH]
This winter a part under my 2008 Prius bent down, far enough to drag on the ground at times. At the front of the car right under the license...
Weird thing today. Playing an mp3 CD on RAND, and it kept going back to the same 3 songs. I'd use the arrows or dial to play another song and...
Also happy with Nokian WRG2s here in western NY.
NY is requiring me to install a breath alcohol ignition interlock on my 2008 subsequent to a DWI. The installer initially estimated 2 hours...
Update: I have been back on the road for a week now. I had a battery tender hooked up for the remainder of the time since last January. Today I...
Are the numbers Koenigsegg is giving for the Quant plausible? They sound ridiculously good. Maybe it won't be available for ten years or maybe...
Exactly 45. Don't even 'claim' to ski, hike, or do yoga. Eat cheeseburgers and potato chips, and drink Coke (with caffeine). Not affiliated with a...
Measured 11.9V this morning. So I turned it on and it started up okay. Thanks all.
Found the lever, got the jump. I let it run in Ready for just over one hour. Then I powered off and in a few seconds powered back on just to make...
?? Then I am all sorts of confused. I don't have the manual with me at work, but I could swear that what they were trying to show was a jump...
Okay I got inside the car, went to the hatch, flipped up that floor panel (it's the backmost ~6" of the floor), popped off that cover (~3" wide if...
I don't own a charger or a tender. If I can get the Prius started, will the ICE run non-stop for as long as it takes to get the 12V charged? If I...
I think my bad assumption was helped along by always seeing 6 bars on the MFD and thinking that if the 12V needed anything then the traction...
I haven't been able to drive my 2008 for the past two months. I have been starting it once/week and letting it run for a couple of minutes,...
Hat --> ring Business card --> fishbowl
Got the same deal here from my car dealer. For some reason they only inflated them to 30 PSI though.