Separate names with a comma.
It's amazing !! ..these cars go wide open throttle right into the lawyers office .. Prius first .....Then all cars !! ..... Al Gore will be so...
Hey .......what will you take for it??........... let me know.......Pm me thanks .mick
So what is the best tranny oil as I'm at 35,000 and its time the factory Toyota best?
try 3 oz. of acetone per 10 gal.....almost all cleaners use acetone and it dose improve mileage .............
PS ....check your battery with the car off ...
Sooo you have an 07.....Another overlooked gas sucker is a sulfated older battery (the small 12 volt one in right rear) ...when over 2-3 years old...
Awwww come on Prius's don't pollute much....even with a hack ! ..On the other hand Al Gore's jet does..............
What are the conditions other words , why now so good?
If acetone works according to reports it will ONLY work with gas ,no E-10 stuff ..maybe this is why methanol is put in our gas and lobbied for...
That's the longest down hill grade I have heard of !! Just kidding....I just got 62.1 thru N.Nevada wind ,62 mph, about 60 deg, air off,...
The chart talks about the this the engine temp. resistor added ...if not ,what then.....thanks
This has no affect on the bladder ...but.....fuel quality makes a difference on mileage and you don't always know what your really getting ,no...
Sorry ...hit the wrong click ...anyway I have a seal chirp when I step on the brake pedal and found the TSB on it ....Just started at 29500 mi....
brake pedal noise
OK ...Here's how to check ....Warm up the car by driving it around for 15 minutes....hit reset on your mileage display ........than drive with a...
Soooo this is why Obama is against drilling and coal.....He knew about this all the time.....
I have a Ford Excursion 6.0 Diesel ....55,000 miles the head gaskets are bad ....It's all over the net about this defect ,will the fix it nooooo ,...
You can improve it by doing the water temp. sensor hack ...It makes the engine think it's already warmed up.....
If you raise up the front...can you install EBH from below with out taking out the wiper tray and all that to come in from the top?
Many here have stated the larger 16 in wheels /wider tires knock mileage down & some have actually changed to the 15 in rims...I drove both ,I...