Separate names with a comma.
I sometimes used to help my wife teach a Red Cross class on safety seats. This was several years before cars had airbags. The course stressed that...
This is off topic since it isn't a Prius, but I thought it would interest folks.
Mine went out Friday night. My wife is really quick with paperwork.
Seats are a very personal thing. I would try to spend some time in whatever car you buy. Never buy a car that is not comfortable, no mater how...
CNN seems to think that Congress is getting close to approving the highway bill, which includes approval for states to allow single occupancy...
It still shows up in the build site for San Diego area.
I'm never sure how to answer questions like that. I went into work one day as a "Sr. Systems Analyist" and found out that I was now a "Sr....
I don't think that it could be the ICE per se. If it was he would wake up every time you went down a hill or coasted. You did not say if he has...
Congratulation. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. 8)
Are the glasses colored? I have one pair of brown tinted glasses, which I sometime wear when I am a passenger but avoid when I drive because they...
Please note that unless I am missing something in the article, it says nothing about any plans to actually sell this car, only that they plan to...
As I understand it the Presidential signature could be a problem. This has nothing to do with the HOV issue, but that the bill currently spends...
The title pretty much tells it all. I have a friend and co-worker who got a Salsa package#6 at MSRP right off the lot. He admitted this was not...
Please note that asking this question here is exactly like going to a dog show and asking whether you should get a cat or a dog. But for the...
2005 Sienna XLE Limited. We try to put most of the millage on the Prius, but its nice to have the Sienna if we need to haul things or have the...
When I picked up new Prius a couple of weeks ago the salesman (James Crosswood at Mossy Toyota in San Diego) said "I've already put your home...
Congratulation on your decision and I hope that you can get it in week. I'm about two weeks into mine and having a grand time.
I was very pleased with James Crossman at mossy Toyota in San Diego. Low pressure and easy to deal with. Bought at MSRP extimated wait was 8...
My signature say it all.
Congratulations. I hope that you have as much fun as I did since I got mine Friday night.