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The goat is a great american icon. It's good ole american muscle. Corvette engine ( i believe ) which is a powerful engine. When driven in a...
welcome. there are plenty of used prius' out there at very reasonable prices. I sold my 08 #6 for only $15K, which was a good deal considering...
Different car, but i'll tell you my discovery, i actually get better mileage when i'm in the POWER mode in my CT200h, which shares the same engine...
that's amazing. mpg's to boot - ready willing and able.
hey F8L, my kid tears up the 422's so fast. what do you recommend in 16's that will last longer? Where's my link bro?
if cali didn't require front plates, I would gladly get rid of it............****sigh***
BAH HUMBUG - dumba$$es do flock in groups. I remember the first time I joined this group - and one favorite saying everytime...
The windshield scratches easily? Maybe the part that's scratching is the hydrophobic coating?
Also, make sure you clean the sensors, change the air filter and use 42/40 in the tires.
That's what I thought.
yeah, please check your insurance co about having your glass repaired, no cost. now with that said and done, i recently had my glass repaired...
Wow, you're gonna hear a pin drop inside your car! good work!
keep it! have your parents fire it up and cruise it around and by the time you're done with your education, you'll still have a car that's "ready,...
interesting a CT"F" and in the owners manual, it says that I have to bleed and replace the fluid every 30K miles. when...
good to see that your problem is fixed. we'll all consider spiderman a "guru" now.
42/40.........nitrogen or not.
SDTUNDRA - WOWWWWWWW.........i'm gonna bring my CT thereeeeeeeeeeee.......... I'll have a kobe burger and a glass of cab pleeeze......
I own a '12 CT "F" and I gotta say that coming from a G2 #6, it was a no brainer. Now, with that said and done, rear storage, cargo and seating...
How true that statement is. Well said.
sounds good to me. congrats and enjoy!