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Have never run out of gas. No EV mode. Live in Central Vermont. Moderate hills, but 80% of my driving is done on the interstate. Driving...
Sorry - more info I purchased the vehicle used from a Toyota dealer in 2004. It had 13 k miles. I have owned it since then. All service has been...
OK, hjere is my situation: as stated my Prius is an 04 model. I just turned over 150,000 miles and I am having the following issue. The hybrid...
Bruce - As the wise asian philosopher Hung on Tight once said " Man who stop Prius on steep, icy hill learn to back down VERY Carefully!"...
Hi All, I live here in central Vermont and we have had some interesting weather tha last couple of days. I am running studded Nokian...
Hey there, I live in central Vermont. 2004 Prius - 14,000 miles Just put Nokian Hakkepellita H2 Studded snows on all 4 corners and they are...