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I thank all of you for your kind support concerning my effort to release information to the public. I am currently rewriting the website and when...
Thank you F8:). You hit the nail right on the head, although I am not trying to creat a RealClimate page. I am trying to get the information out...
And actually if you talk to meteorologists and climatologists that are not making their living on grant money funding CO2 research, the consensus...
AND ALSO FOR F8L There are great short comings in peer review at Journals. I have sent papers in for peer review in the past and the reviewers...
My webpage has an email icon so you can contact me and say what you think. Probably about 80% of the meteorologists and climatologists in the...
Sorry to say that the IPCC "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" is suppose to be a panel of trained scientists, however they only peer...
The global warming issue has become very political. The federal gov't does not issue grants to universities to study all possible causes of...
Actually being a skeptic or in denial about global warming are very poor terms to use. Global warming is real, it is just not a man-made global...