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2002 Prius 155160 Miles 3172.207 Gal 48.9 mpg Diusplay averages 2.8 mpg High - But this is an average of an average seedypea
2002 Prius 145600 Miles Overall MPG 48.7 Actual Replcd 12 V Battery, Tires, Frint Brake Pads, Right rear Wheel Bearing. All else Original....
I have a 2002. No packages. You ordered those items you wanted annd thats all you got. The OWNERS Manual is 245 pages. The car has 133000+ miles...
2002 Prius 125569 Miles Never garaged. No Rust
2002 107500 Miles Rplcd tires, 12V Battery, Right rear wheel bearing. (Bearing expensive, ($346 by Independent Shop). 48.7 MPG (Actual). Am...
2002 Prius DRL Engine Run Indicator Scanner 102000 Miles Actual Overall mpg 48.7 Displayed Overall mpg 48.6 No problems A very plesant car to...