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Hey there everyone, I have a question about the modellista rear bumper kit available at Is the rear bumper a replacement bumper,...
if you hold down bass and tremble in the same direction, the equalizer in between both of them will move.
Does anyone know of any better taps to use for this fog mod? The red radio shack ones suggested in this post and in the knowledge base dont seem...
It did not seem to work, after trying that and going up and down several times, the "auto" kept on blinking and the window actually seized moving...
I was attempting the fog mod, and when i finished I noticed that my auto window up/down did not function and the "auto" on the window switch was...
where did you get this info?
so if i connected 12v LED to the brown wire from the junction box that connects to the parking lights, they will light up? I dont know anything...
Does anyone know where I can find the wire that feeds electricity to the parking lights? I want to tap into it so I can add an Led windshield...
do you just include 8 dollars cash in the envelope to pay for the fee?
i would get a RX400h... if i could afford it haha
Hey bill, one more question. How can i get access to the door light bulbs? I want to replace them with blue lights. Thanks!
actually nevermind bill, i just found out they can be pulled off haha. k thanks anyway
hey bill, thanks for the link to the blue lights, i got them today, but am stuck on how to disassemble the center overhead console. I already...
I own exact mats and the carpeted mats as well. To be honest, the exact mats are not as great of quality that i wouldve expected when i paid 55...
what does echo voice do? does anyone have any details on the other service options?
i wish i got BLACK instead of WHITE! ARG!
Bill, the R103 bulbs you used to replace the courtesy lamps on the bottom of the doors only come in white. Do you know where I may find blue R103...
what is the purpose of piping? wouldnt seats look better without it because it would seem more smooth? Im considering of getting these seat covers..
Although i own a super white, i must say black has got to be the most sweet color for a prius...when clean. and I dont know how driftwood got...
I sure friday the 13th for you will take on a new perspective.... Happy motoring enjoy your Super White! its super sweet!