Separate names with a comma.
2012 Prius V model 5 is now at 254,000 miles. Lifetime mpg 43.2 No major maintenance. Just replaced the PCV - almost eliminated the low...
On my 06 I ran Mobile 1 only. Cat started to plug around 325k.
5 months after replacing head unit and extension box, bluetooth will not turn on (even with 12v battery disconnect) and USB will not transfer...
If you get a ODB++ reader, and use Torque app, it can show the min/max cell voltages in your hybrid battery. Any big delta and show a bad cell in...
I'm at the dealer now, 171k miles, pads are only at 50%.
Does anyone know if the cooling channels go through the middle of the unit? I'm wondering if you could just drill a quarter inch hole right...
2004 Prius 99k, 2006 Prius 399k, 2010 v 176k so far
On my 3rd Prius, and now I only put on the Brdigestone Ecopia for maximum mileage. They're slipppery in the snow, but not needed in CA. Not...
bpasternak - You're screwed. Follow what I did and Toyota district service rep should pay for everything to get things replaced.
Dealer replace head unit, after I spoke with Toyota HQ. For no charge. Problem was not fixed. Dealer ran Diagnostics, and determined extension box...
Dealer charged me $135 to diagnose, to tell me it's not working (Duh). They had to do this, so I could contact Toyota HQ Service, which I did....
tried the USB again, tried download again, diconnected battery for 20 min, nothing worked. Going to dealer tomorrow. I can't find the 3.2...
Just killed my V model 5 Entunes. Did the current, 5.2 update, everything worked on the update, 8 of 8 successful, then it says Remove USB to...
My 2006 went 399k with NO cell fade at all. Search for Darkmini on PC - really abused car, knows a guy with a lot of knowledge on battery...
Or you can 3D print your own mudflaps (front shown): [IMG]
Darkmini, Once you start burning oil, like I did around 300K on my 2006, the replacement cat will only go about 50k before it plugs up again....
Yes, when my cat was plugged the battery would not charge like normal. This made driving up long hills even worse, as there was very little...
The elecrostatic filter (ES) is great. BUT, if you are on Defrost/Floor with Recirc ON and turn on the electrostatic filter, it filters for the 3...
Longbow, I would not spend $2k on a new catalytic converter/pipe. You will likely foul it again in about 30-40k miles (this happened to me). If...