Separate names with a comma.
fuzzy1, I just edited my post #15 (took away the 1st few lines & chg'd my greeting from your name to his) because Troy's post #11 wasn't...
Troy, I know diesels have been around for at least 90 years (if not longer), but like Troolbait said about the early GM car diesels, VW's...
Trollbait, Troy, (& others), My VW was a 1978 Rabbit"C" (2nd year in USA) & the problems I had with contradictory comments & denial of...
Troy, I don't think I said the Ford Fiesta only "held 2 people". I implied that it looks too small to comfortably accommodate any more than...
Troy, From your other posts [yesterday @ 9:44 PM & today @ 12:22 PM (neither of which appear in a search of posts under your name : the...
all, If anybody goes as far as shown in the picture in post #55 (to do spark plugs or PCV valve, etc.) and you've ever found signs of a...
Ernst & Elaine, About a year before I got on this forum I was over at PriusOnLine & somebody posted the invoice price ($17,000 & change if I...
Princess9483, To find your spare tire (unless the former owner removed it), just lift out the entire tool/storage tray and you should find...
xpcman, I'm not sure about the HV battery voltage on the 2010 & newer Priuses (& definitely know nothing presently about the plug-in Prius),...
KBeck, RWattters' dealer did NOT have his car for 6 months (he just said that if it took that long to fix, he would be O.K. with that as...
eidling, One last negative aspect to 3rd party extended warranties is that some/many of them are only honored at the original selling...
all, I recently attended an EV Expo at Middlesex Community College in Middletown, CT. There was an array of electric cars in the parking lot...
bye_gas_guzzler, ag stands for attorney general. (my shortest answer ever!)
again, Datagrace, I'm glad I helped you save hours of troubleshooting. Some time set aside for reading of the owner's manual (if you have...
Datagrace, Could it be possible that somehow the window lock button got pushed down (or be wet & shorting that switch) which would make the...
Sorry for my attempt at humor here, but isn't the right hand button for playing "Packman"? Oh, darn, it can't be (because there's no 'joystick" in...
Hey, CLUBGUY, Cool that the filter maintenance is even easier to do on the 3G version of Prius (or is it only so on the "v" wagon). If I...
Hey, Wanderer, For the engine air filter, all you do is pop 4 clips off the cover (it's easier to do the left side one first before doing the...
Hi again, Wanderer, Interesting that they charge you $19.99 for unpacking & repacking your glove box for the cabin air filter (next time try...
Hi again, Wanderer, For an example of what's suggested by the service dept trying to clean your wallet out vs. only what's required in the...