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My dealer said he has seen the wrong grade of oil cause the red triangle with check engine before. He said it is part of the guidelines to check...
So....I just spent quite a while at a new dealership. (I refuse to go back to the one I bought my Prius at.) Turns out that they had put in the...
I got the feared RED TRIANGLE OF DEATH today. I'm going to go to my dealer to have it checked out this afternoon. Does anyone have a list of...
Check out this website and post your results. This does a pretty good job of telling your political leaning. Enjoy!...
Canuck... thanks! that is what I meant. No need to be so nit-picky! :)
The only way to get it before you get the car is to buy it from Toyota.
"Hector the Hybrid" 8)
I've had my prius for 2 weeks now and have filled up once. First tank was 46.5MPG. My second tank shows about 51MPG on the MFD. Looks like...
I just finished my first tank last weekend. 402 miles on 8.8 gallons -- about 46MPG. How have other people done on their first tanks? What...
Re: October MPG Averages FIRST TANK! Got my car last Tuesday! Tank Miles: 402 Overall Miles: 402 Avg Tank Mileage: 46.5 Avg Overall...