Separate names with a comma.
I don't care how much everyone hates President Bush or how much of a lame duck he is, not putting the sitting President of the US in the number...
Where do you get the 30 mpg figure as being anything like what GM has claimed? Please provide a source, because Andrew Farah (the Volt's chief...
If they put a noise maker on my next hybrid (will be a Volt or Prius PHEV) it will be my singular mission in life to figure out how to disable it....
Only thing I can think of that would be able to drive a 500hp motor and take "years" between charges would be some sort of miniature fission...
I thought I'd read somewhere that Toyota was also diverting more cars to EU countries because of the craptastic dollar. Anyone else hear that or...
I want one of these soooooo bad. Wish I'd caught the story :(.
*choke* Heh...too bad you couldn't have kept it. You could damn near retire on what they go for nowadays.
Uh...personally I think the internal combustion engine itself will be a relic within 20 years for personal transport applications. But that's...
Nobody outright asking to borrow it (would be met with a resounding 'no' anyway) but lately whenever any friends or family want to go anywhere...
Around Sacramento it seems like 1 in 20 cars is a Prius. I doubt it's that high, but they're everywhere.
This is silly. Demand is already declining (at least in the US) for gasoline. Another dollar or two and nobody will be leaving home. If gas...
Umm...H1 is gone, H2 is set to be gone and the Volt != the EV1. I know there is still a lot of knee-jerk hatred out there because GM "killed" the...
A month or two after having owned our Prius the thing that really started bothering me when driving one of those 'other' cars was pressing on the...
Heh... Yeah, cause ya know, God forbid we stop handing out so much in welfare (or do anything else that makes any sort of sense).
It's hard to answer your question as preferences are so subjective. The car I owned previous to my Prius was an '06 Subaru WRX STI. While the...
Dude...don't you know that global warming can also cause global COOLING (ya know, cause it causes everything else)?
I completely agree with this. Tesla, Aptera...companies most people haven't even heard of yet are the future of the US auto industry. US auto...
I stumbled across this article regarding the use of flywheel technology to convert kinetic energy as opposed to chemical energy into electrical...
I had an '06 Subaru STI before my Prius. Then I realized that I was paying $800 a month + premium gas at 18MPG + $800 for tires every 6 months...
I think they're worth it, personally. I do live in the mountains, but even driving around in a few inches of snow the difference (safety wise) is...