Separate names with a comma.
dont get so high and mighty, every car company is going down in flames. the fact that toyota is going down in smaller flames doesn't change anything.
what about large diesel electric trains, or large consruction equipment? they must have a huge EM field. any cancer among train operators or...
rule of thumb is 1 gal per pip. it depends on your mpg
i think the rear camera is indespensible
red is awsome
i have run out of gas on purpose to see how the car reacts. it switches to the electric motor at full ability, accelerating briskley to 25 mph. i...
anyone remember the 70's? oil price shot up, people used less and Carter said that we should get alternative energy. then oil suddenly decreased...
he has some good points, all are halted by the fact that most cars go to work, home, school, market ect. if you want a sports car to carry...
ICE aside, electricity can cause a gas fire. statisticly it is very unlikely but it is up to if you want to play the odds. you gamble?
that has no beep?
key in slot, door open and no beeping
last tank was 57.8mpg. got 562 miles on the tank with blinking pip. could have got to 600 but didn't want to push it. 9000 miles on car, bought in...
not a problem, one of the rear seats can fold down, while keeping the other up. bike racks are seperate and still have room for groceries (sharing...
i saw the other post and didn't get an answer. i just want to open the door, and get my stuff without taking the key out first. any info would be...
what do poor people do?
i ran out of gas twice to see how far a flashing pip would take me. i got 80-90 miles on a flashing pip with 52MPG. i was prepared and had a gas...
mine was 300-400 for the first few fill ups, but now its 400-500. latest tank was 551 when i ran out of gas pulling into the gas station. ALWAYS...
buzzing is the compressor for the brake recharging/resetting. not sure about the rattling. listen to hear if it happens at stops as well.
B.S., IT'S ALL RELATIVE, AND MUCH MORE COMPLICATED. electricity is gotten from many different sources depending on where in the country you live....
what about just before freeway driving? all of the battery is going to be recaptured anyway right? does the excess SOC from freeway driving...