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Glad I read the post....
We received 2" of snow yesterday and it was with some trepidation I left work for the 4 mile commute home with my stock Integrity rubber. I even...
I have not yet installed an EBH, and I am certain that is what will allow me to boost my winter MPGs more than anything else. Please tell...
Have had my P since July and still haven't mastered the GPS. In our Acura we can navigate by inputting the business phone number but I can't seem...
Thanks for the expert reply to my posting!
Has anyone tried the wheel cover from How does it compare to the Wheelskin? (rather dumb question) Any input appreciated...
I atttended a New Car Owner meeting at my Dealership where I learned the Toyota oill filter has a pressure valve which helps distribute oil to the...
I don't know how I missed this but in case others have, here is the link: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more - I printed 63 pages of great...
My Most Abject Apologies Wayside! (he says as he grovels in front of the computer!) I did as you previously suggested and Lo and Behold! It...
Good grief!! My CRS is showing! I apologize and will hustle my bones out to the driveway and give it a try - I'll report back with my...
I can hear my incoming Bluetooth cell phone conversations loud and clear but everyone complains about the difficulty hearing me! I did not have...
You're not the Lone Stranger - I too get 35-40 MPG. I drive 4 miles each way to work. What really p***ed me off is that an old fogger (I'm 73)...
Folks have a hard time hearing me when I use my blackberry/bluetooth and I've tried the "hold info button/swith lights on/off" to get to the...
After two months of delighted ownership of my '08 Prius I accidently found I could turn the audio on/off by pressing the "mode" button on my...
After two months of delghted ownership of my '08 P I found I can turn the radio on/off by hitting the "mode" button on the steering wheel twice!
I try and buy from Conoco as they do not import oil from the Middle East. Just my small statement against the Saudi tycoons...
Great MPG is the goal of most of us but I buy primarily from Conoco as they don't buy Middle East oil. Shell does. Refer to Snopes at:...
Welcome John! Enjoy in good health! My first car was a '41 Pontiac! (Gas was 29 cents a gallon).