Separate names with a comma.
I installed the Coastal Nav Kit last week and it performed as advertised; except, I lost two key navigation system functions, auto re-route and...
2005: Intermittant warning lights come on and remain on until the the car is restarted. Four lights are involved: the red brake light; the "take...
Frequently, when starting my 2005 Prius I get 4 warning lights that stay on once the car is started: 1. The red brake light, 2. The "Take me to...
After Dr. Fusco showed his pics of the wheelskin cover I decided to buy one. It turns out they are made in Berkeley so I went to the factory to...
Well I have good news and bad news about my near-new (235 miles) 2005 Tideland Pearl. The bad news: I was rear-ended when approaching a line-up...
I picked up my Seaside Pearl 2005 last night. Since I am now a member of the "family" I thought it timely to make my first post. I've been...