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Gallons 62.30 Miles 3008.69 MPG 48.30 2001 Green BC CANADA
Re: December MPG Averages 2001 Prius Snow tires Vancouver BC Fuel/Gallons 63.83 Distance/Miles 2854.71 Display Mileage 47.26 Actual...
Re: power loss "big hand syndrome" can not be fixe yes, i have done that and they have been very understanding but i'm still worried that this...
just had my accelerator pedal assembly replaced (800.00$) didn't even make it through the day and am already the power loss problem again. 1-...
i'm told i need a whole new acc. pedal assembly (almost 800$) the gas engine shut down friday morning with the problem light displayed on the...
Re: November MPG averages Month Miles: 2876.25 Overall Miles: 50625 Avg Mileage: 47.52 (display 51.13) Avg Temperature: 46 Price per...
looking to change factories with possibly some Kenwood excelon speakers also a nav with in-dash LCD/deck combo what size speakers do i need?