Separate names with a comma.
Sorry for the mix-up, I typed Richard as in Richard Factor when I meant Doug. Original post has been corrected.
Hmm, I guess he really is a good chap and quit it I tell you. ;)
Time for a minor hint. This continues the theme of fatal car wrecks.
How do I manage attachments? I can't seem to find a link that takes me there.
[ATTACH] Too easy, it was the second site I thought of. The intersection of Highway 466 and 41. From what I read, the roads have shifted but are...
Note this may have been posted before. (I apologize, it's been several years so some reuse might be warranted.)
Sorry if too many hints, but trying to jump start the game again. Last image took over 4 years to solve! Not sure why I recognized it, but that...
Hint, check the sports pages from this weekend.
Hint: Big change of fortunes today! Europe for the honor for Seve.
FOUND IT! FINALLY! :) I had to (cheat and) use the google image search tool and translator. It turns out similar image was posted on a...
Please look at the PriUPS-getting electricity FROM your hybrid vehicle website for test results on a working setup, including duty cycle etc....
A 110 inverter off of the 12 V supply will not start a few essentials such as a water well pump. See PriUPS-getting electricity FROM your hybrid...
Has any one attempted to connect to the high voltage where it enters the Prius inverter under the hood in the engine compartment? This might have...
Update, well now the bulb seems to be working well. I assume the ballast might be at fault, but if it is working I will leave well enough alone.
Replaced both bulbs since the driver's light was shutting down after several minutes of operation. Got a pair of 4300K from e-bay seller...
Hint? I was thinking a google data center or a supercollider?
Touche' I knew the clue was too good, but I couldn't resist. It was just too good of a clue not to use! Is there someone else around to toot...
This site is very well known, but less often seen due to a man and a plan.
Oh, it's...
I don't have time to search now, but I would look around Dubai. There are lots of "engineered" islands there.