Separate names with a comma.
For all those having this issue, google for 'folding bandsaw blade' -- lots of videos and text descriptions. Same technique.
I have no way to actually measure it, but so far, it seems like I'm getting somewhat better reception than with the original stubby -- but still...
I couldn't seem to find a longer replacement antenna for my package V gen III prius [6mm thread] till I found this: 16" universal 5/6mm antenna...
Water which had condensed in the intake manifold after an incomplete warmup cycle in [un]favorable atmospheric conditions, and which gets sucked...
That's who suggested I help those trying to compensate for their buyer's remorse.
Ah, you have never owned a gen II, so you don't miss the two rear cup holders that you can reach from the front seats, or miss the two usable...
To the questions: -- I do plan to contact my dealer, as well as Toyota USA directly (it only happened yesterday -- Saturday), but given there...
2011 Five package. 20k miles, no issues in ~1 year. Eastbound on I-78, a few exits west of Allentown PA. Speed limit 65, radar cruise set to 68...
My wife and I have been forced into a regimine of resisting short cold block moves of our '11 unless we absolutely have to do so, and if we do, we...
In the course of washing it, did you start/run it for just a few seconds to move it a bit?
I had printed out both TSBs and gave them to the service manager when I was in for the first service interval on my '11. The post short drive,...
For what it's worth [2011], I've come to associate it with a) very short run-time [seconds, not minutes], b) cool temperatures [below 50 F, above...
I've not been able to search an answer on this question -- all OEM hardware here: Can a gen II with 15" wheels & tires do a 'tire-on-wheel swap'...
Rule 1: start the pump before connecting the pump to the tire. The back-pressure from even a partially inflated tire increases the pump...
Depends on where it was loose. The car is shipped with the 12v battery disconnected to prevent drain till it is put in service. A 'loose...
Yes, but not the point. I was trying to make three issues clear to save someone else a long walk: a) prior to being stranded, there was no...
Ok, I have to go on the record here. We have an 07 and an 11, and playing the radio did, in fact, leave us stranded recently in our 07 [maybe the...
I'd be more concerned if you live in a state without front plates and the car is from a state which does. Hate those holes -- with or without plugs...
Special Needs Zone | Car Talk Also, your dealer may be able to recommend someone local who can assist with a solution.
I guess I am not being clear. Suggesting LKA was testing the driver was just one idea I was floating to explain why there is a different steering...