Separate names with a comma.
I wish the dealer told me I'd only get 8-9 gallons per tank if I filled at the 2 pip mark. I wish the dealer showed me how loud the Prius is when...
So very, very true. Thank you. I feel much better about myself now. Not smug, mind you, let's call it content.
I'm an Obama supporting, Mac using, Prius driving, NPR podcast listening iJerk! Funny, I don't feel smug.
2008 package #5 here. I am very happy with - and use - every extra. My sole complaint are the fog lights which do nothing. The HID lights, on the...
Good and bad news for me. Sure I drive a Prius, but our winter vehicle, the FJ Cruiser, is #6 on that list. Then again, the H3 was our second...
Chatted with a friend from Spain today who is coming for a visit in July. Told her we were paying $3.50 a gallon. She says they're paying 1.70...
These are very off the top of my head numbers, but with the headphone out I had the iPod volume at about 90% and the stereo in the 40s on the...
Sounds lovely. I ask because my wife is from Spain. She grew up in Sevilla and we were married in Fuente de Piedra. I can't believe it's been five...
I bought for my '08. It is a dock to 3.5 mm cable. This allows line-out quality audio which is...
Thanks for posting the photos. Where in Spain are you?
Great review. I saw a lot of myself in his text as I went from indifferent to the Prius when it was launched to in love once I actually sat in it...
Looking great, everyone! I wish I had a picture of mine on hand to share.
Been a year since the last post; does anyone have any new suggestions to add? I'm looking to cover my new 08 Prius. Thanks!
Gran Turismo 4 is on the PS2. You can get one of those for $129 max. Unless the OP meant Gran Turismo 5...
It took a few tries, but the method above worked for me. Thanks for posting! The beeping did more harm than good for me. I'll be glad to hear of...
My '08 Prius replaces my '02 Mini Cooper. She was a great little car, but I needed four doors and have not regretted the move to the Prius since...
Wow, nice price. I got my 2008 Base with Package #5 from Toyota of San Bernardino (California) for $25,500 + ttl. Love mine too!!
Do you reset your MPG with each tankful, or leave it alone when filling up? Wouldn't you get a lifetime MPG if you did not reset with each tank?
In case anyone is interested, I ended up getting my Prius from the San Bernardino of Toyota Fleet Dealer. The experience wasn't terrible, but I...
I did it. I got the white. Too dark to post a picture now, maybe tomorrow. I am very pleased to say the least! Can't wait for that next road trip.