Separate names with a comma.
So I rephrased the search terms and found this thread. I see nothing has been done as of the last comment. I may call the dealership and ask if...
Haven't posted here in several years. Finally decided to replace my 2004 (169k miles) with a used 2011 Prius Four, 74k miles. DH is leasing a...
Bisco and JC91006, points well taken. BTW the $900 included the exhaust repair/replacement, which I didn't have them do. I picked up the car and...
JC91006, I thought perhaps the check engine light indicated an engine issue, not a hybrid issue, and was glad to see you confirmed my thinking!...
Actually it's outside the ten years. Car went into service March 2004. Sigh.
Wish I'd thought if checking the oil before dropping the car off at the dealership. Too late now since I'm home.
Thanks. Just had an oil change a couple weeks ago. I'll ask dealership to look at the level. Also, the battery graphic on the energy screen...
2004 Prius, 149,000 miles. Driving on a highway when suddenly it felt like a headwind was bearing down on me, and a minute later, the red triangle...
Ah! I'll check that out. Didn't notice there was avg. mpg in the per trip screens. Thanks!
Right. So does that mean I won't get a readout?
Yes. Went through all those screens. What am I missing?
Thanks, I saw that screen. But my 2004 has a running tank mileage that resets each time I fill up. The trips A & B, miles to empty, and total...
Haven't posted here in ages. My 2004 has 132K miles and still running great. We now have a PIP standard model as well. Sorry to ask such a dumb...
Thanks everyone! I'll be on the phone Monday to get the battery tested/replaced.
04 silver, pkg 9, delivered March 04. Almost 107,000 miles, mpg between 40 in the coldest part of winter and 52 in the spring/fall. MFD failed at...
I'll call the dealership on Monday. Thanks again!
Jimbo, Thanks for your suggestion to check the 12V. I just went out to the car and followed your steps. At first the readout was 12.1V. Then...
Thanks, Bob. In 6 years of owning this car, I've run into bad traffic getting in and out of NYC countless times in all kinds of weather. Knowing...
I'm sorry if I'm repeating a thread that's already out there but I've searched all the Gen II forums and haven't found exactly what's going on in...
Two things immediately occurred to me as I listened to the story on NPR this afternoon. I thought it was impossible to power down the car while it...