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Thanks for the help. I think a battery dropping below 12 volts (I have a meter point right on the battery) probably is an indication to replace....
Just wondered if Prius 2 gave an error code when battery voltage too low. Mine is 12 sometimes dropping to 11.8 volts. Battery is about 5 years...
12 volt battery was dead, so I charged my 2007 Prius through the terminal under the fuse box cover provided for jump starting. Afterwards I get...
Do you have any information on how you mod'ed your brackets? I'd like to go for about 3 inch rear extension, but am little leary about the airbag.
Re: Prius Towing Capability - loss of MPG & Tranny? For those towing light trailers say 600 pounds or less, what do you estimate your loss of mpg...
I appreciate all the thoughts both pro and con for the seat extension. Having never taken the seat out of my Prius, I'm a little confused on how...
For those who can't see these pictures, Joel sent me the 3 key pictures showing the front and back mounts and the way they were extended, thanks...
You (and I) need to ge some of those fake tickets to put on gas guzzlers like V8 trucks (I'm assuming the one you encountered was one). The...
I can't see the seat extension pics. How do I view them? Thanks.
I couldn't see the pictures. If there is no common area in priuschat to keep photos, and you send me them, I could post them in the photos area of...
I wasn't seeing some of the more recent posts when I posted below. I'm not surprised the Toyota body shop disowned ever having extended the seat....
I'm a tall driver also who uses a lumbar cushion on long trips which makes legroom even more critical for me. In fact, it's almost a safety issue...