Separate names with a comma.
I like Lisa's idea. "Ooh, April 16th. Celebrate the Day After Taxes! And those of you lucky dogs who got a Tax Break last year can show off...
Hey Cobrakid, Ten Thousand Comedians out of work and you are trying to be funny. Is it not past your bed time or at least your afternoon nap. I...
Loree, If you do not get any takers in the central valley, you are more than welcome to come over to the Bay Area and visit us. We have meetings...
:D I had mine updated a few days ago, And am pleased to say that I have not found any problems, I have not used it a whole lot but enough to say I...
One down only 66 to go.
:) I will be there quite a bit before 1:00, someone has to get the x-mas tree set up and put up some lights. SEE YOU ALL THEN!!!!
:D See that did not take long, the web site for the park is . It is called Bothe-Napa State Park,...
Please do not worry about the fee, I have a handle on that issue. I will bring the almost famous cain veggies for the BBQ. And since we will be in...
[align=center:6f455890ed] :guns: OKIE DOKIE I am in. :guns: [/align:6f455890ed]
Re: PCAG Day 4 - 3 HeatShields are up for grabs! Post to win HEAT ??? We could use some heat around here. Count me in!!
Geri Ann, I do not want to steal V8Cobrakid's thunder but he is only 21 years old +1day, In the fifth post in this thread you mentioned that you...
Re: PCAG Day 2 - Enter to win a set of Prius/Hybrid Car Deca Thank's Danny, If I do not win them I will buy myself a set for Christmas. I hope...
Re: PCAG - Post here to win a Horizontal Cargo Net! I could use this as a x-mas present for one of my S.F. Bay area prius owner friends.
Yea,Yea Cobrakid, You are right this time but only because it is your B-day. We are going to pick out a place on the 12th, That only leaves the...
O.K. V8CobraKid, When we go recon a location for our meeting on the 11th I will buy you a Big Glass of good NapaValley Wine. :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
The first car I ever drove (A Toyota) would not even start without having your seat belt on. I have been that way ever since, will not start my...
I hope everybody had a great Turkey Day, I spent two days straight in the kitchen, But it was wellworth it. As for our next meeting, V8Cobrakid...