Separate names with a comma.
This. I could have left the injectors and rail on the head but I didn’t feel comfortable leaving them in when taking it to get machined and...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Ok so I pulled the injectors and found the black tips missing on two of them. A third broke off when I gently touched...
Ok, I reset the fuel injectors into the rail and that stopped the leak. I'm gonna order the o-rings from the cheapest toyota source, and keep...
So I got the felpro kit because of the head gasket, but there's definitely an issue with the fuel injector O-rings, when I cranked it, it started...
I have the head, cam housing, and timing chain and cover on now. I followed the manual and of course watched the video on the sealant for the...
Thanks, that's good to know. I'll inspect the pan for leaks instead, and only do it if leaking. Any tips for doing the timing chain cover FIPG?...
Current status: Head is back on the car. I got it back from the machine shop Friday, lapped the valves and replaced the valve stem seals Sunday....
I forget, what's the recommended mileage interval for the EGR cleaning?
Oh, got a link for that?
Yeah. The first time I did my oil (lived at an apartment for 5 years so I took it to a shop) I bought a replacement oil filter housing just in case.
The first since I learned about it, I’ve had it since 120k miles. I don’t know if the previous owner cleaned it. When I did it, it wasn’t too...
I haven't taken pictures, but I cleaned them and replaced the EGR valve 2 months ago. There was some additional soot building since them, so I...
Good luck with your 3rd gen's head gasket. That's definitely a low mileage car. Makes sense about toyota's pick, they want something fast for when...
Yup. It's amazing how a simple black coating failing can destroy a whole engine.
175K. City. I got it around 120K and took care of it, but didn't know about the EGR flaws in this car.
Just pulled the head off, ready to take to machine shop once the roads clear of the snow. I took some photos of the gasket. In this one, you can...
Hi! I'm caught up with a head gasket job currently, and while I have the car up, I'm considering replacing the lower control arm ball joints and...
Monday night I had everything down to the head, but the parts and a couple tools including the double hex bit, didn't arrive yet. Unfortunately...
That's good to know about the ultra black. I'll let it sit 24 hours. Does the Permatex The Right Stuff work on the head or should i stick to ultra...
I checked the depth. Cyls 1 and 4 are at equal height, as are 2 and 3. Should be safe to proceed with the HG repair as soon as the parts come in,...