Separate names with a comma.
Auto button pictured here nothing wrong with it that I can see
So I disassembled it and cleaned the button and nothing worked still so I’m thinking it’s just a dead motherboard cause nothings blocking the...
Yes presently every other button on the AC cluster and in the car works fine the AUTO button is the only one that does not.
Hello everyone I have a 2011 Prius Four and I bought it a few months back for heavy amounts of driving. Well upon buying it I knew it had a few...
Two Years after this post and I'm sure people are still running into this issue such as me not having any clue that paying such a cheap price...
ok, so that gets all that out of the way the issue I'm having now is this. which part number is the right one? The only difference on the website...
I know it’s frowned upon but if I wish to buy used could I just cross reference the vin of the part to the car and then verify the date of when...
Would this follow for the actuator as well was there anything that was an indication of the new actuators that had the issue fixed?