Separate names with a comma.
It is but the repair manual is locked behind a paywall and it isn't nearly as user-friendly or accessible to normal people like me who might not...
Apologies Mendel, having a 2 year old, full-time job, and numerous other simultaneous projects has gotten the better of me. Please see my latest post.
@Mendel Leisk @Wtfdustinwtf
Hello again everyone! Been awhile since I have been on the forums. Cars been running smooth since I replaced the head gasket on her, not getting...
Afternoon! It is 90% there but I got side tracked with a couple other projects. I'll try to get it finished up soon.
So I was discussing the issue with a coworker and he had an idea that sort of threw me through an epiphany.... Prior to doing my HG, the EGR had...
Far as I'm aware this is the stock EGR that came with the vehicle. Where are you seeing a difference in the images? Here are the remaining...
Looks like my account isn't old enough to post pics. No I do not see a rut. Here is the inside of my rotor. It's supposed to thread and unthread...
That's what I'm afraid of, uneven flow into the intake ports. Might need to take apart the intake tomorrow and shoot some distilled water through...
Good morning everyone, I'd appreciate some feedback on a really small but annoying issue I'm running into after having done my Head Gasket (HG) on...