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No one else has found a good reliable way to do this? Would be nice to find a Asin rotor, or from who manufactures it.
Ha, I turned off Daylight Savings time today, only to realize I needed to manually adjust the clock. My 08 lexus changes the clock when I turn on...
Thank you for this writeup, video links per section, and photos. Helped tremendously for me to do this complete job including catch can. I have...
Thank you. The diagnostics is very helpful. I am now pretty sure I need the brake master. I am testing if I need the pump as well. What are the...
what’s the fuel economy change from the hub caps to the OEM wheels?
New member, just picked up this fixed-upper 2010 Prius IV w/solar roof, for my daughter’s first car. I am excited. I am normally very active...
I have a new to me 2010 Prius w/240k miles. I have a constant beeping, brake light on, and codes C1252 & C1256. My brake light came on and no...